Friday, February 3, 2012

February 3 2012

Universal Enveloping Algebra If I remember correctly, a while back Universal Enveloping Algebra expressed slight annoyance at the comment section's focus on jokes, and claimed not to be a funny guy. At first I believed him, but recently, I've come to believe that he was lying to us, or underestimated his ability to adapt. If UEA had misspelled the name on purpose, and used it to make the joke he did, in that manner (the recontextualizing existing text), I think we'd have all yawned. Instead, he not only caught the misspelling*, but used it to craft a funny concept that relied on the non news-ness of the item, and the inherent silliness of Archie having an illegitimate Laotian love child who happened to almost share a name with his famous brother.  +1
Usually, when a post falls under the Jurisprudence tag, I anticipate good comments. Not that law-based jokes are inherently funny, but they provide a familiar box of references that commenters can twist into setups and punchlines. The commentariat's general familiarity with the subject matter means that these posts are usually winners. Sure enough, TDK, Hatey McLife, Orin Incandeza, MILF Hunter, Sonar Jose and David Hume took advantage and dropped some gems. Hatey's comment was stellar.
RMJ=H Wow, this is good.
The tattoo helmet joke brought out some good work. ptmarion's joke was not the most sophisticated thing in the world, but sometimes simple and to the point works great, as further evidenced by sweatingmullets' Dangerfield-ish line and vodkanaut's little tossed-off remark.  (Metaphor alert): Obviously, some epic mindmelting and devastatingly perfect joke that goes 65 yards for a TD is great, and the crowd goes nuts; a load of well-run 7 yard screens and slants are really important in keeping a drive alive, too.
Azure Texan 
Hugesunglasses This isn't the sort of comment you read twice to let the exquisitely-constructed association sink in slowly, this was just a nasty, perfectly targeted bit of sarcasm.
UniversalEnvelopingAlgebra and Azure Texan saw similar things, and made jokes that, while related, didn't step all over each other. Liked both of them.

Buford Justice Not only was a Civil War reference the lowest of the low-hanging fruit here, Buford mangled it.
HeathenKiller  Yawn.
Vancoq Sweilrnsljenhsaeoith The whole "looks around for ninjas" thing is just an admission that you're about to post shit. I don't think the ninjas are hunting people for sport, they're dropping hammers on lame comments. If you have to worry about offending them, you already know you're... Jesus, do I really need to explain this?
Funnyinmyhead A swing and a miss.

*Can you imagine if that had been a Gizmodo or i09 post? Instead of using it to everyone's advantage (i.e. making a joke), there would be some unfunny, piss-on-the-post, self-congratulatory "Hey look, you screwed  up! #corrections" nonsense.

 The weekend is here!


  1. This shit is fucking weird. Keep it up.

    1. For the record, this was a compliment.
