Thursday, February 9, 2012

February 9 2012

Brando Wow. This is a gross, funny, creative joke. Too bad it came in close to noon in the day's first post. There were other very good jokes in that post, but none that made me involuntarily cough when I read them. +1.
Norm DePlume I'm surprised this didn't get any love.
Noir Juggling  That's a smart joke. Tyler Bray's Back Tattoo followed up with a decent reply.
In Re Hightower  Man, that's great. Every time I go back and re-read the joke, I laugh out loud, and hear the song in my head. The fact that he called the waiter's foil a "Big Wig" is funny by itself. He earned every one of those +1s, and showed that you don't need to be a frequent commenter to be a prominent commenter. Comment of the day.
ReverseApeChemist I know just enough rasslin to know that was a clever joke. RAC is going from flying under the radar to flying, um, in the middle of the radar, I guess.
Universal Enveloping Algebra  and Lionel Osbourne took different, funny exits off of the same road. I liked both of them. UEA's line wasn't really a joke, but a funny, snide and pointedly on-point observation. Lionel went with the simple throwback one-liner.Very nice.
Delonte, Interrupted
Azure Texan  Ba-dum-tiss.
TheodoreDonaldKerabatsos [dying]

Neither am I, man.
Cool inside knowledge, bro.
Hey Look! Nickly made a shitty joke, and then turned it into some quasi political correctness free speech thing. Maybe Nickly will appreciate that Article 1 Section 1 of the Deadspin Constitution says "Be funny, don't  be unfunny" and subsequent amendments have clarified that to mean that you should offer funny, smart and original comments. [edit] I see that Chief Justice John Paul Ninja wrote a scathing opinion. Nice.
Oh dear. What is happening here?

Special feature:
Today's Vancoq Setatesties Painful Comment Of The Day is sponsored by all-new Habanero-Infused Astroglide Inferno.
"Astroglide Inferno: Like Vancoq Setatesties, a pain in the dick."

Vancoq, let's see what you've got: VANCOQ!  Ooooooh, that's a bad one!

So long.

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