Monday, February 6, 2012

February 6 2012

All Over But The Sharting No one will ever accuse AOBTS of being simplistic in his approach, but then again, no one will ever accuse AOBTS of farting out word salad and hoping something sticks. This joke poked a needle in the over-inflatedness of the original post (a post I really liked, and agreed with) but did so with suggestion, a funny reductio ad absurdum extension of the mathematicising (yes, it's a word) of the NFL, and by referencing the stereotype of Tom Coughlin's personality.
Raysism chose the exact wording of this joke to incorporate the song reference and the implications thereof and not just jump up and down hollering "HEY, look at the connection I thought of!" I could imagine Norm MacDonald reading this with a straight face on Weekend Update.
More Raysism  Boy, he was feeling his oats today.
Washington Foreskins This is an example of a comment that transcends wordplay, or gimmickry, and shines with creativity and voice. It reveals the gag early on, and uses the readers acknowledgement of the twist to build laughs as the joke flows and piles on. Nice. SteveU got me laughing in this post, too. Such a nasty little observation.
ReverseApeChemist A most Deadspin comment. Punny, zinger-ish and referencing the intersection of sports and pop culture. RMJ=H played on the same concept, and in some ways, needled Tebow and the NFL even more effectively. I liked both of these.
crazyjoedavola cjd has been around since day 2 of Deadspin, if not day 1. I was glad to see him get restarred whenever he did. That sappy shit out the way, this was a fantastic comment. It didn't piss on Amar'e's situation or the tragedy itself. In many ways, it was everything that is good about Deadspin's comments - it took a chance in a delicate situation, wasn't another insipid "My Sympathies" or some ghoulish shock trash, and was funny! Plus one.
Iron Mike Gallego Nailed it.
Bring Back Anthony Mason I didn't want to like this as much as I did. The "Eli as naive goofball" bit has been squeezed so hard for so long, we can start see the copper under the chrome plating. BBAM's closing line of "Eli, to himself, softly: I'm the King!" gave the joke, and his "Eli" character an endearing gentleness that made it charming and funny.
Sponsored By V8 I feel like I'm pointing out the obvious here, but this was great.
Eddie Murray Sparkles Skimming through the comments on Deadspin will result in you shrugging and saying "I didn't see anything that funny. What's the deal?"  Take the time to read carefully.
TheAmazingSneijderman I love Macbeth. Maybe I'm being generous based on my personal likes. So be it.

This whole mess falls on both sides of the line. -1 to TV's Frank for being a real-life red shirt guy, and +1 to MopUpReliever for his remark.


This was annoying.
You always what? What did you always?
Thanks, Ninja!
Remember that person who like, did something that time? Here's what I imagine they might say.
FloriTexaYork That's a grade-A asshole comment, fella. Funny, people lament the passing of the "good old days" of Deadspin, and how precious the comments were back... whenever. They grouse about how the site became coarse and crass and hard. The odd thing is, comments like that were dime a dozen in those days, and no one blinked an eye.  It's weird how memory is so malleable, isn't it?
Terrell_Browens That's every bit as artless as you'd expect from someone named "Terrell Browens."


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