Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January 24 2012

The goods:
Sponsored by v8  - Sharp eyes, SbV8.
RMJ=H  This joke goes in a couple of different directions at once and uses [dying]'s multiple overlapping significances to great effect. The joke plays on the setup of a doctor asking a rude (or simply insensitive) question based on Paterno's appearance (the joke would work with any number of questions as a setup - that there actually is the resemblance is a tiny little joke-in-itself bonus) and the many meanings of the answer. [Dying] has currency as a possibly unexpected appreciation of the question, a description of his physical state, (and a particularly snarky way to point at it) and most importantly, concurrently pointing to [dying] as a uniquely Deadspin response. It relies on all these meanings operating in unison, and it operates well.
This joke is also unique in it that conjures a movie in your head of Paterno in bed being questioned by a doctor, but relies on text to work.
Finally, this is a Jenga joke. Take out any of the elements of the joke, and it falls apart. It would be tough to consciously assemble a joke with this level of intricacy and precision and, I assume it just popped into RMJ=H's head fully formed, and unfolded like a flower after the fact. +1.
More RMJ=H Everyone and their uncle used that text to make a joke, but RMJ=H's made me laugh the most.
Hit Bull Win Steak A joke that relies on the visual character of the text on the screen, the inherent connections between members of a restricted set, and, uh, cutting off Jerry Sandusky's balls.
A Pimp Named Dave R This is not a joke. It is possibly the least funny comment of the day, but it is not unfunny*. It adds intelligence to and elevates the comment section. I'm glad it is there.
Eddie Murray Sparkles
TravisHalf-Pronk - I'm imagining this being delivered completely deadpan by someone, who immediately moves on.

Of note:
fat-leaveher This kills me to point at this. This comment could have brought the house down. It wasn't unfunny, but, with a different, more artful delivery alluding to the symbolism of how Drake is perceived by his peers and the construction of a Drake's cake, as well as the existing puck reference, it could have been one of the best comments of the day. Argh, so much wasted potential.

The bads:

Ovechkin_from_Backstrom Read the prior comments. Certainly, use the same material, but don't just make the same joke.
*JustTheTippingPoint Now that is unfunny. That is a comment that just reeks of being desperate to say something about a rival school. Its construction is inelegant, it makes a dumb point, talks directly to the audience with that slashie shit at the end, and has a cheap and sneering tone. It is not just not funny, it is unfunny.
Cool Great reference. Remember that thing that was incongruous? Look, here it is. Look!

MedicatedWorldPeace  Wow, they're both "Pollards." Intense analysis. Got anything to say about Guided By Voices, while you're at it?  MedicatedWorldPeace didn't make the worst comment of the day, but this is far, far below the level of a starred commenter. In fact it was almost at tired as StuartScott'sEye's kilt joke. Woo boy, where did he come up with that humdinger?  Guys, do better.

Have a good one.

1 comment:

  1. That's a lot of thinking you did up there, are you ok, neighbour?
