Thursday, January 26, 2012

January 26 2012

Lionel Osbourne Starting the day off with a laugh.
Lionel Osbourne  This isn't groundbreaking territory, but the delivery made me snort when I read it.
More Lionel Lionel was on a tear today.
RonZookOnRedBull  Nice tweak on that saying.
SteveU This is so great. It has color, atmosphere, a rhythm and texture. And it made me laugh.
SponsoredbyV8 I didn't laugh so much as I smirked and nodded. This was sharp, cutting criticism, tied into the post at hand, and delivered well. It is the sort of comment that distances Deadspin from any other sports-y blog's comment section (and the comment section of most other blogs of any genre). Some people have criticised Deadspin comments as being gratuitously clever, or brainy or (gasp) elitist (in that lowest-common-denominator shit, like posting the "dat ass" meme, is frowned on).  Those people are simply wrong, and can go back to watching Two and A Half men. SponsoredbyV8 has been riding high recently, and a number of his good comments aren't wild bring-down-the-house jokes, but just good, funny comments.
MaverickIsAirborne Zing.
David Hume Pure silliness.
The football lies post was awesome. Such red meat for the commentariat. I'm not going to list every comment that was a winner because there were a ton, by stars and non-stars alikeI'll list just a couple as representative of the overall high quality of the comments made:
RMJ=H Two winners in the same thread.
Sonar Jose Deadly accurate.
The Hooters to Welker Connection post had more than it's share of gold, too:
EddieMurraySparkles and SteveU earned some praise.
MedicatedWorldPeace That's just perfect commentary on Coach K.
HitBullWinSteak I'm reading this as coarse commentary on Nike's inexorable invasion of and commercialization of every fucking niche under the sun, and how the architect of that same corporate ethos would absolutely use Joe Paterno's funeral to introduce a new product. Made me laugh no matter how it was intended.

The crud (a relatively crud free day?):
UpstateUnderdog Underdog just doesn't get what people do in those threads, does he? I'm not sure I've ever seen him make an actual funny joke. There are 20 unstarred commenters who try harder and deliver better than him.
BigIrishPotato Sad, really.

Early delivery, today. Enjoy!


  1. SteveU's "protection" joke is so good. Real glad that got mentioned here.
