Friday, January 27, 2012

January 27 2012

DubaiAtNight Well done.
Raysism Real simple, and it wouldn't be out of place accompanied by rimshot.wav (in a good way). It made me laugh.
vodkanaut vodkanaut's style of humor comes across to me as silly, lighthearted and implying a certain decency, even when he does take a shot at someone or is being rude. I really enjoy his work.
All Over But The Sharting Nice to see AOBTS popping up here and there again. This is his second excellent 9/11 related joke recently which is sort of a weird coincidence, as his style is not one that relies on tragedy and cringe to work - definitely not his usual bailiwick. Still, it was a typical AOBTS joke, in that the wording was carefully crafted to precisely present the punch line so as to maximize its effect. You just don't see AOBTS slinging slop around.
EddieMurraySparkles Maybe I'm just in a goofball mood, but this construction, and the image of Wheel of Fortune protestors forcing a huffy, indignant Vanna White to get all bent out of shape and tell people to STFU is great.
Steve U I'd expect no less from Steve U. Not funny, but a good catch.
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SteveU  How did that not get +1'd? It should have.
BringBackAnthonyMason - Well designed bit of comedy.
David Hume This was cute, and worked well in the context of the post.
Can-I-Borrow-A-Feeling Well, he made it work here. Good stuff.
SameSadEcho Wow, what a comment. That takes you on a trip. Creativity, structure, careful development of a punchline. Great stuff.

Did not like:
"BufordJustice was unstarred" Can't say I disagree with the Ninja's judgement here.
The4thMolinaBrother Because Jerry Sandusky likes boys. Noted.
DonCherry'sHockeySchtick You'd think the utter lack of responses these comments get would clue these idiots in that they're just not funny. Seriously, tell me what is funny about that comment - a box cover of some movie? The pic on the box cover isn't even a funny picture or a call back to a funny line in a show.  Ugh. I wish his computer would short our for posting that.
RonZookOnRedbull That's first-degree word torturing.
cobra, brah! This makes no sense. Yes, Mike and Molly are husky. One, they're supposed to be, and two, it's partly makeup, you know? Craft Services has nothing to do with anything. This is just some out-of-the blue shot at fat people, and a TV show. It's like an intentionally-bad parody of an MKM joke.  Cobra has gotten some love here, recently, and this is disappointing.
AzureTexan Really, AT? That's not funny, that's attention whoring.
MalikSealyDirtMattress Huh? Is he calling Victor Cruz a "Cari-beaner?" in the service of what can barely be called a carabiner "joke"? Jesus H. Christ, what a stretch.

Today started slow, and there was a lot of "B" material in the morning. The Blood Week post seemed to mark the turning point, and the posts seemed to have better comments as the day went on.

Have a good weekend.