Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 31 2012


Iron Mike Gallego and Kramerica Enterprises shared a moment. Some people get hot and bothered by someone responding to a joke with a joke, or something other than a +1. Yes, a response that "explains" the joke sucks, as does a response that just retells the original joke - that's nothing but a grab at some reflected glory. This was closer to the construction of a comedy pyramid, a revered Deadspin tradition.

Sgt. Hammerclaw made me laugh with his iteration of this joke template. The work the commenter does in building the setup (for this) is crucial. If the commenter blows it by going all in with strictly sexual or strictly basketball terminology, the joke is stillborn. Getting it right requires the right blend of plausible double entendre phrasing so that the basketball terms snap into place as sexual terms when the twist (that Boeheim's recruiting is misdirected toward a players' skillset in boning his assistant's wife) is revealed. Honestly, you can see this joke coming from a mile away - the underlying facts and the construction are a dead giveaway for the punchline- but Sgt. Hammerclaw treats it with a delicate touch and lets it breathe.

This joke template sets up well as a good anti-joke, too:
Reporter: Coach Boeheim, what attributes do you value most when evaluating recruits?
Boeheim: First, it's all about the cock. We want guys who are hung, and who are willing to sacrifice their dignity for the best interests of Bernie Fine's wife's snatch. We also look for players with high sex drives. I want guys who aren't afraid to get down and dirty and lick a clit for forty-five minutes at a time. Finally, and probably most importantly, I look for guys who can pound it deep like a goddamn Oklahoma oil well... etc
Reporter: Thanks. Now what do you look for when you are evaluating them on the court?
Boeheim: Good question. Give me a minute to think about it.

To make a joke like that requires making the framework of the joke the joke itself, and tweaking the reader's expectations of how this joke should go - it works even better when the reader is savvy and expects for the basketball terms to be reframed as sex terms. Definitely aiming for laughs from the back of the room.

PostApocalypticRecSpecs  - Pretty silly, but it made me smile.
Bevraj of Choice and fat-leaverher  made some beautiful noise in the Sandusky post.
RonZookOnRedBull The Zooker is a regular on both sides of the line, here. He's got spunk.As long as he keeps showing up, up here, things are good. 
[person]'s [thing]  This was a good throwaway line. Not even a little love?  Huh.


What the fuck is this shit? I think there is plenty of room for debate and reasonable discussion in amongst the dick jokes, but the moment this guy cops the #deadspinfail attitude he deserves a boot in the groin.
ThisIsTheSpam (Edit) the Ninja zapped him. Yay.

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