Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23 2012

Quiet day - where was everyone?
DubaiAtNight This is another one of those comments that takes a bit of random text, uses it out of the context of the original post to try to make something out of nothing. A lot of the time, these efforts fall into the grinding or grasping at straws category. Still, in this comment, it worked. The rest of the construction of the joke - by framing it as a "so ridiculous that it's almost plausible" Cirque du Soleil routine - made me smile. It wasn't a silk purse, but DubaiAtNight made a perfectly usable canvas tote bag from that sow's ear.
RubioForHerPleasure  Now, that's how you reply to a comment!
More Rubio  - This is a nice analogy. This guy is picking his spots.
SameSadEcho I keep saying I'm not wild about the rando-recontextualoso but this one made me smile too. Maybe I like asparagus, after all.
The4thMolinaBrother Zing (Sure, it's possible that Jay wanted a baby, what do I know?.) There were plenty of good jokes in that thread, this was a under appreciated. Decent contact from an unexpected source. The A's should sign him.
GamboaConstrictor I bet that hurt John Edwards' feelings, as it should.

The "Things That Killed Joe Paterno" post was chock full of fun. My favorite post of the day, comment-wise.
Poignant Theater Gottlieb's Cards Steve U Uwe Bollocks and iamthehorn all did something especially good.

ReverseApeChemist  When ReverseApeChemist is bad, he's terrible. When he's good, he does this. Nice.
Steve U  Take one part geekery, one part sports knowledge, one part wordplay. Dissolve it in water, add ammonia, and then add some ether and shake it. Pipette the ether into a dish and let it evaporate. You'll be funny. Maybe not Richard Pryor funny, but close.

Not 1, not 2, not 3... Aww man, why'd you have to go and do that? We had hopes for you.
Not 1, not 2, not 3...  I don't want to beat on this guy excessively, but this is just tripe. I think I get what's going on here, that Paterno is dead, and the idiots and jackals need someone - anyone to lash with blame, instead of accepting a less viscerally satisfying explanation.
Fist pound bro.
Boy, I really hope that there's more to this than the fact that the word analyst has "anal" in it. That can't be the joke, can it?



  1. Nice, man. Keep it up.

  2. While I started commenting late 2010/early 2011, I didn't really stick with it and stopped reading Deadspin for a long time. That said, I missed all the MBA stuff when it was live. I'm glad the archives exist, because your criticism made me think of this:

    While you should be proud of a real humdinger of a comment, you should be absolutely embarrassed by a terrible one. Don't just shrug your shoulders and say, "Oh well, get 'em next time, champ!" No. That's not how it works. I had to read that piece of garbage comment you just threw out there without a second thought. You wasted my time. Worse still, you may have prevented me from catching a really well thought out, hilarious comment because I was too busy staring at the flaming wreck of a comment you left.

    Criticism noted. I'm much more embarrassed by the terrible comments I've made than pleased by the good ones. Knowing I've thrown out multiple comments that others think are not only "not good" but cross the line to "terrible" is something I'll keep in mind. I'll definitely be more careful in the future before hitting submit. Keep up the good work.

  3. Agree with the other anonymous guy: keep it up, I'm enjoying this.
